Happy 400! Posted on October 19th, 2010 by

Every year, Nagoya has something called “Nagoya Matsuri”, which is essentially a festival celebrating the city. I really really lucked out coming this year, because 400 years ago in 1610 the city was essentially, well, founded (please pardon my English, it’s been getting worse (This is a good thing!)).

If you’ve ever taken a Japanese (or I guess Asian) history course, then you might recognize the names Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. These three guys were the ones that united Japan, and they all have roots in the Nagoya area. So in celebration, they had actors portraying them and their guards and such. It was really cool especially to see them in the parade. I loved it!!

Words can’t do much justice. But I’ll do my best with the pictures I took with my camera phone! Please enjoy!

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get pictures of the three guys. :(



  1. Jim Bernhardt says:

    Which of the three people are you in picture four? My favorite has always been Tokugawa Ieyasu.

  2. Jasmine Bernhardt says:

    I’m on the left, as Tokugawa Ieyasu!!!
    And here’s another good picture: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs371.ash2/64914_483850674743_522674743_6870684_3394964_n.jpg

  3. Anjum says:

    Wow, I never knew all this, among many other things—how very cool, and really nice pictures. It pays off to have a brilliant niece. Thanks