Peru-Futbol con Padre Posted on January 16th, 2014 by

Every day when we are finished with classes and healthcare tasks we head to the soccer field to play a  game of futbol with some of the locals.  Futbol is played by many in Peru and is part of the culture here, it has been very enjoyable to participate each day.  Word spreads quickly, and many locals come to join in our game every day.  Many children come to play, and adults often watch, spending most of the time laughing at us.   Yesterday, the Father of the Parish (Padre) joined us for the game.  It was a truly unique experience for all of us.

Today is our fourth day of classes, and all is going well.  Our students are getting to know us, understand the rules, and are learning quickly.  Today around the parish we had students making masks, dancing, singing, practicing converstations, and much more.  We are all learning to be flexible with the class sizes changing each day, but are adapting well.  It has been enjoyable watching students grow in these past four days, and they are truly passionate learners.

The health care team has been spending their days at the local Hospice sights and clinics, and have been learning a lot about the community.  Today part of our group delivered beds to two homes in the community.  They built them in the parish, put them in a bicycle cart, and brought them to families in need.  The rest of the group will be delivering more beds next week.

We had our first experiences with local dishes in the past few days, including “ceviche” for lunch today.  “Ceviche” is a fish dish that is cooked with citrus.  It had a lot of flavor and tasted good.   All is going well, and we are all constantly learning.

Hope all is well,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     –Casey


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