Dr. Kranking’s Presentation on Nazi Germany and the Berlin Wall! Posted on January 5th, 2015 by

DSC00942Today in class, we explored Germany’s rise and fall during the twentieth century. Germany’s modern history is deeply rooted with the rising leadership of Adolf Hitler. Thanks to Gustavus’s very own Dr. Kranking, we learned about Germany’s troubled past and its role in the creation of the Nazi movement. After Germany’s defeat in the Great War, the nation faced difficult economic and territorial losses. This led to the eventual desire by the German people to regain their economic, social, and political place in the world arena. Adolph Hitler promised to fulfill these desires and thus began the Nazi Movement. He enacted policies of state sponsored terrorism against Jewish people, German military expansion, and began encroaching on the lands of nearby European nations such as Poland and France. Hitler was eventually defeated by the Allie nations of USA, USSR, Britain, and France. Hitler’s downfall led to the separation of Germany into East and West sections, and also the division of its capital, Berlin. Following the division of Berlin into Communist and Capitalist parts, a wall was erected to prevent any flow of movement by oppressed East Germans into Western controlled West Germany. The Berlin wall symbolized the stark differences between communism and democracy along with Soviet oppression. It was eventually torn down in November 1989 and Berlin and Germany was united once again. The removal of the Berlin Wall inspired a collapse of communism in East Europe, leading to the end of the Cold War. Germany has a stained past that it cannot erase, however it is making strides to memorialize the actions of its dark past. We would like to thank Dr. Kranking for taking the time to come in and give an wonderful presentation!DSC00940DSC00951

-Nusla, Prestin, Jenny



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