‘Year-long programs’ CategoryPage 6

These are study abroad programs that last the entire academic year

Got Water?

In the land of 10,000 lakes, we tend to take water for granted. We swim in it in the summer, it always comes out of the faucet and we water our lawns with it in the middle of the day. In Tanzania things are a little different. Water is a commodity. In a developed nation […]

Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Rain

The weather here is annoyingly unpredictable.  The mornings when you wake up to a clear blue sky always seem to be the ones that end in a shower, and the days that start off gloomy, end up cheerfully sunny.  Yesterday, I awoke to a clear sky.  By nine, it was dark and dreary.  It cleared […]

Can you hear me now?

One thing I’ve noticed here is the surprising regularity of cell phones.  In a developing nation one thing you would not expect to see is phones.  But they are everywhere here.  At the college most people seem to have them as do many in the city.  And, as I’ve been told, the coverage is very […]

Close Enough

Tanzania is the land of approximation.  The lifestyles, products and mindsets of Tanzania are all very approximate.  What I mean is Tanzania proscribes a different set of ideals and protocol to its people and products. For example, if you happen down to the lumber store in Tanzania you’re bound to find irregular boards and sheets […]

Computer Science 101

While in Tanzania, I had a plan of volunteering.  I thought I might be able to do some promotional photography for the college and volunteer at a local school.   So last week I got started on finding where I could volunteer. Starting to volunteer is not as easy a project as I had imagined.  I […]

Rain and Rugby

This past weekend we went to a Rugby game in Moshi.  Football (soccer) is the true game of Tanzania – and the world – but Rugby is gaining popularity.  Introduced in Kenya during the colonial period it has since spread south and is becoming common in Tanzania.  So down the hill we went to Moshi.  […]

The sky is falling!

Ka-boom! come the noises in the evening. Another bowling ball lands on our roof. The loud noises echo through our open house and are only enhanced by the sloping metal roof. The first few times, you jump and say, “What was that?”. After a while you get more curious and really wonder, “What could that […]

Over the bridge and through the banana fields to Arusha we shall go…

On our drives to and from Arusha we have gotten to see a lot of the landscape of this area. Though it only takes about 90 minutes to there is a high diversity in the environment. Mweka is on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro at an elevation of 1400 metres. The landscape is lush up […]

This little piggy went to the market

One of the first orders of business after arriving in Mweka was to go shopping. Although we were provided with furniture, plates and cups, we had no towels, silverware and other such household items. So off we went to Arusha. In Tanzania you won’t find any department stores or shopping malls. Shopping is done, for […]

We’re not in Kansas anymore…

After many hours of airtime, several security checkpoints and tasteless airline food we find ourselves far from the rolling hills of corn and soybeans in Southern Minnesota. But I should start at the beginning. On Friday we left in the afternoon with six large duffle bags and two carry-ons from the Minneapolis airport. From there […]