After 1 week in Peru… Posted on January 13th, 2012 by

We have now completed our first week of classes, clinical experiences, and home visits! We are exhausted… but feel accomplished. We’ve enjoyed getting to know and making connections with the Chimbotanos. They are very energetic and eager to learn.

Last night we went to Nueva Chimbote and ate at a nice Argentinian restaurant. It was an extremely different environment than the Chimbote we are used to. Nueva Chimbote is a much more developed area with grass and paved roads. Our neighborhood at the Parish consists of dirt roads , dust, and more dust. The contrast between living conditions is dramatic.

Tonight we are looking forward to participating in the local dance from the mountains. We’ll see how that goes… hoping for no injuries (especially me).

Missing you all and see you in a few weeks! Ciao!

– Caitlin (with the help of Sarah, Danika, Alicia, and Alyssa G)



  1. Marissa says:

    Caitlin, don’t break or sprain anything!

  2. David Green says:

    Natalie, did anyone from the healthcare team mistake your dancing for a seizure? You are laughing with me right?

    Love, Mom and Dad