‘Semester programs’ CategoryPage 11

These are study abroad programs that last for one semester

My Peloponnesian Excursion

To anyone out there who is searching for a study abroad program, I highly suggest you pick a program that includes class field trips in the surrounding areas of the city where the actual program is located. My study abroad school has offered so many trips enabling me to see so many historical sights that […]

That Trip to Salzburg

So, AJY gave us all these German Rail passes and we can use them five days in a 30 day period. A couple of us had some days left and since Annika wanted to see Salzburg, and I had been rather happy with the place (those two other times I’d been there) so me, and […]

Fall Break continued

Hey, remember that time that I was like, “I’ll just continue this post tomorrow,” and actually believed it? That was a funny time. Anyways, it seems I am now really behind so I’ll be trying to catch you up. I’ve had some interesting times and might as well share. I’m also trying to catch up […]

Fall Break

So, I guess last time I failed to mention the DSH, which took up most of my attention that last week. The DSH stands for something that means we need to show how well we know German. We were told from the outset that about half of us would pass and half wouldn’t, but never […]

October in Athens

One of the coolest parts about living in Athens is that as a thriving metropolis, every new day brings some new and crazy experience. Right now Greece is in an economic crisis, similar to the U.S. though it was not as stable in the first place. The Greeks are a people that are very passionate […]

The Texas of Greece-Crete.

One of the best aspects of my study abroad program is that my school frequently hosts class field trips outside of Athens. This past week I traveled to Crete for five days. Crete was beautiful. There was so much more nature and beauty outside of the big-city atmosphere of Athens. Crete is unique when it […]

German Tests and Ending the Preliminary Course

Alright, so we went to Worms on Sunday September 19. That was a pretty good way to spend a Sunday. The Dom (cathedral) there is pretty impressive and it’s where the Diet of Worms took place so there’s a good deal of history to be learned there. (Hint: I didn’t learn it all) Because this […]

First Impressions

First Impressions: “Wow there are a lot of cats, watch out for crazy motorcycle drivers [I was two inches from being run over the other day. Greece is number 2 in Europe for vehicle accidents and deaths due to crazy drivers.], oh cool, I can see the Parthenon from my academic center. My first day […]

London Calling

If you ever go to London and are looking for a nice hostel to stay in, I recommend looking up St. Christopher’s Inns. They are a hostel chain that stretches across Europe, has multiple locations within London, and caters specifically to kids my age. I was really surprised with how clean and secure it was. […]

Belated Update

So, it seems that I have been too busy for a while to write again so I am making myself do it now before I make the excuse that I’m too tired again. I know a lot has happened since last time but I don’t honestly remember where I left off. (Isn’t that always the […]