Dear America, I miss the following… Posted on October 4th, 2010 by

After being isolated from the state side for over a month now, I have been able to create an extensive list of things I both miss and don’t miss about our good ole heartland.

(In no particular order)

I miss….

1. Netflix, Hulu, and all streaming that doesn’t work outside of the U.S.

2. American Pizza, American Mexican food, American Chinese cuisine. Yes. I miss it all.

3. Fast food?

4. The Caf

5. Gustavus

6. Calling my mom/dad/sister/friends in between classes

7. Kato Trips

8. The stars!


10. Greenery/The Arb

11. Bruce and Pam (my advisors)

12. The Speech team…I miss speech a little bit, but not as much as the team!

13. Patrick’s on Third

14. My brother’s Senior year of football ( he got homecoming king! )

15. Not having to make my own food

16. American Dollars

17. Stronger smoking regulations

18. The English Language

19. Movie Theatres being everywhere

20. Popcorn, peanut butter, peanuts

Things I don’t particularly miss…

1. Labs

2. Paying for Gas

3. writing speeches

4. Fast Food?

5. Not walking (aka not walking for more than 5 minutes at a time)

Most would call this culture shock, but I wouldn’t necessarily dub it that…These are just things I’ve noticed that I find myself wanting at certain times. I have not felt out of place, completely lost, or anxious because of any of the above, which is extremely reassuring. Ah Italy ;)


One Comment

  1. Anne Thielman says:

    I definitely hear you on these. I miss a lot of these things plus things like, my parents’ cooking, knowing what’s normal to tip, knowing how grocery stores work and understanding the registration process. But I think this might help one of your issues. helped me watch things on hulu. It gets a little finicky at times and there are a lot of extra ads but you can choose when to turn it on. I hope it helps!