Archive for 2011Page 3

“Hi! I am from Spain and I am Castilian.”

I met this guy from Madrid and that was how he introduced himself and I found it interesting. Castilian is the word used to describe people from Castile. Castile is not a city but one of the five old kingdoms that constituted Spain, the coats of arms of which still appear on the flag of […]

Fall Break, Destination: Bergen, Norway

Apologies, I haven’t blogged for a while because I have been wrapped up in school work and my internship. That’s right, I am interning at a local high school but it is actually more of a trade school.  The group I am working with is called the Miljogruppa (Environment group).  They are like a policing […]

Laid-back lifestyle of people in Southern Spain

Sometimes when I walk to class, I still get a little upset that I am spending at least an hour and a half everyday just walking and I could have done something else more helpful within that time. What keeps me from complaining all the time is the fact that most other Spanish people are […]

Sevilla – Love and Culture.

I had a conversation with my host mom today about Sevilla, its culture and what she thinks about the States. I did not get any specific answer because she loves everything and is just really optimistic about everything. My host mom was born in Osuna, a small town in the province of Sevilla. She said […]

My new home.

So I have moved into my homestay for exactly a week today. I live with a señora and her 37-year-old daughter in an apartment in a neighborhood called “Los remedios,” which is pretty far from the Santa Cruz center of Sevilla. People living in the center often live in houses. I just got to know […]


One of the best things about studying abroad is the opportunity to travel. When you’re staying in hostels and paying guides, it’s much cheaper to travel in a group. So, some gringo friends and I decided to go to Huaraz. Huaraz, being situated right between the Cordillera Blanca (white mountain range, named for its snowy […]


“Lima: Gastronomic Capital of the World,” say the posters in town. Its a brag, of course, but it’s not without substance. The restaurant scene in Lima is kicking, full of cebicherías, chifas (chinese-peruvian fusion), parrilleras (grills), anticucherías (grills specialized in anticuchos. See photo) and I’ve been told it’s the home to a number of world-famous […]

Reflections of a Vegetarian in Lima

Since last fall in the U.S. I was eating vegetarian, mostly for political and environmental reasons.  I am not morally opposed to eating meat, and I enjoy eating it particularly if it has come from a sustainable source, where the animals were treated well. Eating vegetarian in the U.S. was great because I largely had […]

Homesickness and Culture Shock.

Some people are meant to be world travelers. They can just go anywhere, stay, eat the food and live like a local. A friend that I just met in my group, after a day in Sevilla, decided that he is going to live here permanently, and he was serious. Another friend of mine changed her […]

Greetings from Sevilla!

Hola! This semester, I am going to be in Seville, Spain. I like to call it Sevilla, because that is how the city is called in Spain. I am with CIEE Liberal Arts in Sevilla program. I will be taking some classes from CIEE and some classes at the University of Sevilla with other international […]