Archive for January, 2012Page 5

Bienvenidos a Chimbote!

Hola family and friends! We have reached Chimbote safe and sound. After a total of 8 1/2 hours of air travel, we arrived in Lima and had to travel a bit more to our hotel last night. After 4 hours of rest, we were up at 6:30am and travelled an additional 6 1/2 hours by […]

Turkey Adventures, Day 4

We began the fourth day of class by discussing different “house keeping items” and questions that have started to pop up as we get closer to the departure date. Things such as expected weather, money conversions, hotel rooming arrangements, and such were just a few of the many topics discussed. Unfortunately for us, the weather […]

Turkey: At the Crossroads of East, West, North and South, January 5 – On Campus Class

Today in our class discussion we talked about the massacre of the Armenian population in Turkey during the first World War along with the Kurdish minority in Turkey and it’s terrorist organization the PKK(Kurdistan Workers’ Party). On the Armenian massacre or “genocide” topic we discussed the two differing views that the Turkish and the Armenian […]

Traveling from the State of Hockey to the current city of the President

Yesterday was one filled with excitement, pressure changes, nervousness, and accusations. I think you can guess why it was filled with excitement, pressure changes, and neverousness–we flew on a plane–but accusations? What? Our group now figured out why getting to the airport three hours before a flight is important. First off, our group wasn’t set up […]

Day 2

Day 2, Gustavus Campus We began the second day of class by reviewing the assigned readings on political Islam. The class discussed the line between the public and private sphere which we all concluded was very blurry. In Turkey, which since 1923 has had a secular government, religion is considered a private affair and thus […]


Today was our first day together as a group. We spent the day writing a mission statement for our trip (awesome work!!), discussing the chapters we were assigned in The Peru Reader, meeting with the other students to present the portions we learned, then back with our healthcare and education groups to make a poster […]

Class on campus

Good work today, folks!! See you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.!

First day of class

Operation Istanbul: Day 1 10:30-12:30 in Old Main 205 Today marked the beginning of our adventure to Istanbul, Turkey and we started by learning more about Turkey’s somewhat tumultuous political history.  Considering some people’s knowledge of Turkey going into this class consisted entirely of information contained in the song “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)”, an overview of […]

One Short Day

Today was a day of some relaxation mixed with collecting last minute packing items for Tanzania. There is so much that one doesn’t think of when packing to go most anywhere else! As a group we have been to Target thrice, Barnes and Noble, REI, and Best Buy. Chipotle tied our hunger up for those […]

Turkey: At the Crossroads

Hello my fellow Turkey-travelers and those of you following our adventure! Our January 2012 course, Turkey: At the Crossroads of West, East, North, and South, starts tomorrow! A group of fifteen Gusties (with 1 instructor and 1 back-up instructor) will be spending one week on campus and two weeks in Istanbul, Turkey learning about Turkish […]