‘Semester programs’ CategoryPage 10

These are study abroad programs that last for one semester

Introduction to Lima and PUCP

Hello! I suppose I haven’t yet given an introduction to where I’m living, which might have been a more logical place to start this blog. Lima is a huge coastal city, the capital of Peru. The concrete jungle stretches miles along the bay. The weather here, being winter, is cold, gray and damp. 60 degrees […]

Testing. one. two. three?

Hey! This is my first official posting for my India blog. No, i’m not in India yet (11 days…not that i’m counting) but I just wanted to make sure this whole thing worked before they released me into the wild jungle that is Bangalore, India! Hope this blog finds everyone having a great summer…or at […]

Ruralman vs. the Urban Micro

Hello! This is Ian Shay, a sophomore Spanish Major at Gustavus, writing from Lima, Perú. I’m here for a year with the CIEE Liberal Arts program, studying at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and staying with a host family. I arrived a couple weeks ago, and we are just finishing our Intensive Spanish in […]

I thought I would get skinny in Europe

It’s a well-known fact: all people who study abroad in the U.S.A.  gain twenty pounds and those who go to Europe lose about twenty pounds. It’s proven, trust me. Google it. Anyways, so I thought I would magically come to Europe and lose some weight. I have to walk everywhere, they don’t have fast food, […]

Prepared for Departure

I’m not nervous. The business-like brevity of everything at airports makes me feel settled and that everything is in order, and it is.

My Holiday Break

Hello again! So, I had thought that my next thing to write about was Paris and I was therefore way behind but I just checked and in reality, I already wrote about Paris! Good for me! Although, since it’s still been weeks, I think I still count as way behind but let’s think beyond that […]

Christmas is almost here

So, I feel like a lot has happened recently (the My Pictures file on my computer would certainly back me up on that) but I guess I just don’t know where to start. I went to Marburg and Nuremberg on some AAA field trips. The AAA (Akademisches Auslandsamt–or Academic Abroad Office) gives these really handy […]

Fall break to Paris and Amsterdam: culture shock at its finest.

Unlike Gustavus, Lorenzo de’ Medici has the best fall break ever! Each year, they have a break long enough for American Students to explore Europe while they’re here for a short time. So, taking full advantage of this break, Melanie, Selin, Lauren (her boyfriend as well) and I all scheduled a nice, well-deserved, trip across […]

Halloween and Since

Halloween was kind of a while ago but I did kind of say I would talk about it. As it turns out, it was really fun but not really “traditional” in the more recent American sense of the idea. Basically we had a party at my friends’ place because they have a large kitchen in […]

I am not a Spice Girl nor am I one of Charlie’s Angels.

During the last week of October, my school had a week long fall break. This lengthy break gave me the chance to do traveling that required longer than a weekend. With only one day of rest after my long trip in the Peloponnese, I headed off to Istanbul, Turkey with a few friends, Eliza, Casey, […]