‘Semester programs’ CategoryPage 13

These are study abroad programs that last for one semester

Eid Mubarak and greetings from India!

Eid Mubarak everyone, my name is Kirk Bjella and I go to Concordia College and it is my turn to relate to you what exactly we are up to over here in India. Eid Mubarak is the greeting that we used as a group on Monday to celebrate Eid (so yes I do realize that […]

Galway, Dublin, Turloughs oh my!

We went on a trip to Galway, a city about a 45 minute drive from Ballyvaughan.  It’s a good sized city with plenty of things to do.  We went on a walking tour of it, our guide was excellent he was very funny and told us all kinds of rumors, and interesting facts, like the […]

Monsoon, Monsoon, Go Away, Come Again Another Day

Hello all! This is Catherine Keith (a sophomore) writing on behalf of our group. This week was definitely packed. I don’t even know where to begin! On Sunday night, we left beautiful Visthar for the train station in Bangalore. We hopped onto an authentic Indian sleeper train and prepared for 10 hours of slumbering heaven–or […]

Willkommen to Germany and the European Union

Guten Tag Friends, Family, Faculty, Gusties, and those interested in worldly travels, My name is Eric Cronin and I am a junior at Gustavus but this Fall of 2009 I am studying in Freiburg, Germany which is a city in southwest Germany in the Black Forest.  I am one of three Gustavus students who happen to be […]

The Burren

They kept us very busy during orientation and the week following.  So far we’ve done a bus tour of the Burren, and  the Connemara.  Which was a lot of fun, the beaches which make up a part of the Connemara are beautiful, and because it was briefly sunny when we were there it looked more […]

Orientation in Dublin

So I meant to post this a week ago, and thought I had but apparently I didn’t so, many apologies. I’m attending The Burren through IFSA, which holds an orientation before taking us out to school in Dublin for two days.  There are only two students from IFSA going to Burren so, Kathren and I […]

Week 2

This week we started each day with a yoga session with Dr. S.K.  He taught us stretches we did before each session and we also learned about the health benefits of breath (or energy) control, the yogic poses, and relaxation.  It all proved, for me, to be a great way to start out the day […]

Namaskara Everyone! (namaskara means hello! in Kannada)

Hello Friends and Family! This is Benjamin Batz writing on behalf of the Social Justice, Peace, and Development group this semester in BANGALORE, INDIA!!  It has been quite an incredible week.  We arrived at Visthar, the NGO that is hosting us and providing our course work, lots of fun and kindness.  I’m telling you, you […]

Getting Ready to Take Off.

Hello All! I will be studying abroad in Ballyvaughan, Ireland, at a Burren College of Art a small college on the West Coast of the Republic of Ireland. My flight has been scheduled and now I’m beginning the seemingly endless process of what to pack for 4 months? how many bags will the airline allow? what do […]