‘Semester programs’ CategoryPage 12

These are study abroad programs that last for one semester

A Land of Ice & Fire: Iceland

Hello world, I’m currently sitting in my apartment located in Athens. Yes, Athens, Greece. Not Athens, Georgia or Athens, Ohio. But before I try to explain the beauty and Grandeur of this Grand ole city. I want to briefly touch on my travels prior to Greece. I flew out on Wednesday, August 25th 2010. First […]

Up, Up, and Away to Florence!

The plane ride to florence for a semester!

Stalking in the Burren

So thanksgiving was awesome in Belfast and I’m an idiot and didn’t bring my camera so you don’t get to see what the giants causeway, the rope bridge, or any of the other sweet things I saw.  Although I’m sure if you google them you’ll get a general idea what they look like.  Kathren and […]

More news from India!

Hello friends, family, and faithful SJPD blog followers! Katie Everett speaking (well, typing). We have started our LAST course, Religion, Society and Culture. India is a country of many religions, and there?s only enough time to tickle the surface, but we?re doing what we can. Our main focus areas are creed, cult, and culture. We […]

Vanakkam, minna-san!

This means “Hello, everyone!”  Actually, that’s a combination of Tamil, a language spoken here in India, as well as Japanese, both of which I (sort of) speak.  My name is Brendan Nadeau, a junior political science major at Gustavus Adolphus college.  This week, the SPJD group was in Andhra Pradesh, near Zaheerabad, Medak district.  Earlier, we […]

Um, what happened this week?

Wow, So I am straining my brain trying to remember what happened the week that I am supposed to write about.  We are now all back from our mid-semester breaks, I think everyone had a wonderful time (I know that I did).  But anyway I am supposed to write about the week before we left […]

Hello! Hello!

Brendan Wilkes here! Sorry about this post being a bit late, the internet wasn’t being nice before departing for our week long stay, but now it’s ready to go! It’s hard to believe we’ve been in beautiful India for an entire month now. This week we put the cap stone on our first course titled […]

Freiburg, Berlin, Latvia, Swiss Alps, Belgium, and Paris, Oh My!

Guten Tag once again Friends, Family, Faculty, Gusties, and those interested in my worldly travels, To remind you of who I am since I have not been blogging as frequently as I should, my name is Eric Cronin and I am a junior Gustie and I am studying the European Union in Freiburg, Germany this Fall in […]

Nine Months of Rain

This week our group was split into two halves for field visits to different parts of southern India to learn more about ‘Globalization and the Ethics of Development’, which is the theme of our second unit. I’m representing the half of our group that went to the coastal state of Kerala. We were in it’s […]

Lisdoonvarna and THE MOUNTAIN

Last weekend a bunch of us decided it would be fun to go to the matchmaking festival in lisdoonvarna, which is a town maybe twenty minutes away or so.  It’s a month long festival held in the town, which also is known for it’s spa’s.  It’s a crazy mess of pubs, with lot’s of people […]