‘J-Term programs’ CategoryPage 6

These are study abroad programs that take place during the month of January

Enjoying Emden and the Leaning Tower of Suurhusen

Today we had the opportunity to experience the architecture and history of the beautiful port city of Emden.  We arrived with dry jackets and the smiling sun on our backs for the first time during our stay here in Ostfriesland.  We set off to explore the town and quickly found ourselves in an old church […]

Volkswagon Central

Today, January 14th, we got the chance to visit the beautiful city of Emden. This city is host to a Volkswagon factory in which the popular Passat is manufactured. The entire process is pretty interesting. First we got to see the sophisticated robotics that weld and mend what becomes the chassi. We then followed the […]

Germany to America to Russia?

This day began well, as does each day when a wonderful host family prepares breakfast for you. The weather in Ostfriesland was a bit windy with a rain that lasted through out most all of the day. I asked a local what they do in Ostfriesland when it rains and the answer was, they just […]

Ostfriesland January 13

The day for Harley and I began with yet again a delicious breakfast made my Maike.  Everything was delicious as always.  Right away we went to some little parts of the area that were supposed to be Rsland und Amerika but that we were able to do was run out of the bus quick for […]

Journey to Wittenberg!

Guten tag! Ben Bonser and Steve Eiden here coming at you from Wittenberg, Germany!! Today began with another delicious breakfast at our hotel in Berlin. Soon after, we departed for Checkpoint Charlie and its museum. Inside, it was deceptively large in comparison to its seemingly small exterior. It was filled incredible artifacts including devices and […]

Maasai Girls School

  Blog written by Kristine Rogers and Claire Goblirsch: “On Sunday morning, we arrived at the Maasai Girls School in Arusha in time to participate in their morning Lutheran worship service. The hymns and prayers were spoken and sung in English. Pastor Todd Mattson gave the gospel and the message. Our class performed as the […]

Ostfriesland January 12th

We started out the day having breakfast at our host families houses. At my house we had a typical German breakfast consisting of bread, cheese, meat, fruit, and vegetables. I could get used to these non-typical American breakfasts because they are very good. After breakfast we headed towards Großefehn where we met up with the rest of […]

Moshi By: Megan Spear

Hello from Tanzania! Today (January 12th) we visited the Kilimanjaro Christian medical center in Moshi. We sang our favorite Tanzanian songs to patients, and the nurses took us to visit almost every ward. One of the coolest parts was when patients and visitors would sing and dance along with us! It showed us how much […]

Our First Full Day in Grossefehn

Today, January 12th, we got a chance to experience Grossefehn, and Northern Germany. As a group we were able to tour a German dairy farm which was very interesting because while some of us are from rural areas, many of us are not. We then went to a local museum and learned about how people […]

Exploring the Wonders of Berlin

Our second and final day in Berlin was filled with marvelous tours, sight seeing, and history. To start off our morning we took the subway, which was an experience of its own, to the 1936 Nazi Olympic Games Stadium.  The stadium was filled with breathtaking views and historical memorabilia and was also a dream come […]